How to View Your Data by Pages with Data.olllo

When working with large datasets, viewing data in a paginated format can enhance readability and navigation. Data.olllo Data Assistant allows you to easily display your data across multiple pages, making it simpler to analyze and interpret.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of viewing your dataset in pages using Data.olllo in just three steps.

Scenario: Viewing Data by Pages

You have a large dataset loaded in Data.olllo and you want to view it in manageable sections. This paginated view allows you to focus on a specific subset of your data without being overwhelmed.

Step 1: Click on Page View

  1. After loading your dataset, navigate to the top menu and click on the Page View option.

    Click Page View

Step 2: Set Pagination Parameters

  1. In the Page View settings, set the parameters for the beginning row, the number of rows to display, and the number of columns to show.

Step 3: Navigate Through Pages

  1. Use the pagination controls, such as "<<" to view the previous page or ">>" to move to the next page.

    Click Page View

With Data.olllo, viewing your dataset in a paginated format is quick and efficient. This feature helps you analyze large datasets more effectively by breaking them down into manageable sections.

Try Data.olllo today to enhance your data viewing experience and streamline your analysis!