How to Use Rapid Describe for Data Insights in Data.olllo

Data.olllo Data Assistant offers a feature called Rapid Describe, which provides a quick statistical summary of your dataset. This summary includes essential metrics like the number of rows, mean, standard deviation, and key percentiles for each column in the dataset. It's a useful tool for quickly assessing the general distribution and properties of your data.

In this guide, we will show you how to use Rapid Describe to generate an overview of your dataset in Data.olllo.

Scenario: Using Rapid Describe for Data Overview

You have a dataset and you want to quickly get descriptive statistics about it, such as how many entries (rows) each column has, the average values, the spread of data, and how the data is distributed across the range of values. This feature is available in the basic core of Data.olllo.

Step 1: Select the Data File

  1. Launch Data.olllo.
  2. Open the data file for which you want to display the descriptive statistics.

Step 2: Click "Rapid Describe"

  1. Click on the Rapid Describe button in the right menu.

    Click Rapid Describe

Step 3: View the Descriptive Statistics

  1. After clicking Rapid Describe, Data.olllo will generate a statistical summary that includes the following metrics for each numerical column:

    • Count: The total number of non-missing entries.
    • Mean: The average of all values in the column.
    • Standard Deviation: A measure of the spread of the data.
    • Min and Max: The smallest and largest values in the dataset.
    • Percentiles: Specific percentiles (25th, 50th, and 75th) to give an idea of the data distribution.

    Click Rapid Describe


  1. Data.olllo will present the descriptive statistics in an easy-to-read format, helping you quickly understand the characteristics of your data.

The Rapid Describe feature in Data.olllo allows you to instantly gain insights into your data's structure, variability, and distribution. This makes it easier to perform data analysis, identify potential issues, and make decisions faster.

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